Directors at CBGCD

The Board was created to determine policy and regulate the withdrawal of groundwater within the boundaries of the District for the purposes of conserving, preserving, protecting and recharging the groundwater within the District, and for the purpose of preventing waste of the groundwater within the District, and to exercise its rights, powers, and duties in a way that will effectively and expeditiously accomplish the purposes of the District Act and of Chapter 36, Water Code, as amended, and of Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution. The Board’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the adoption and enforcement of reasonable rules and other orders.

The Board of Directors is elected by the people within their Directors precincts, under the general Election laws of Texas.

Thank You Mr. Arthur Priesmeyer
For Your 13 Years of Service

Ronald Gertson
Precinct 2
Alan Heskamp
Precinct 3
Aland Wittig
Precinct 1
Vice-President / Treasurer
Daniel Berglund
Precinct 4
Tim Anderson
At Large